We put Autarky Dog Food to the test in our latest product review……..

Autarky Hypoallergenic Dog Food

When it comes to Poppy’s diet, I’m really quite particular! In fact, I often shudder at the thought of what I used to feed her when she was a puppy. That was almost thirteen years ago and back in the day before people realised the importance of feeding dogs a diet that is healthy, natural and full of the essential ingredients needed to live an active and happy life.

Autarky Grain Free Dog Food

We were recently approached by Autarky to see if Pops would like to try their range of hypoallergenic, grain free dog food.  Never one to disappoint, we of course obliged – my very willing tester on paw!

Autarky Grain Free Dog Food Review

Who are Autarky?

Autarky dog food has been formulated with the help of one of Britain’s leading canine nutritionists. It is designed to give our furry companions everything they need in their diet at every stage of their life. Using a combination of locally sourced, high quality ingredients they have created a range of tasty, nutrition rich foods that are free from wheat, gluten and soya. All of those ingredients which can so often cause health problems for our pups.

Autarky Dog Food Review

What makes Autarky Dog Food special?

Autarky operate an ‘open declaration’ policy meaning everything that goes into their food is listed on the packaging. As you would expect from a quality product, they only use human grade meat, so that the nutritional value is not compromised in any way.

Marketed as a complete dog food, it does exactly what it says on the tin (well bag actually!) It provides your dog with all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy. Free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives, the only thing that they add to their food is a natural antioxidant to keep the food fresh and tasty.

Autarky Dog Food Review

The taste test – What Pops thought of Autarky Dog Food!

Now as much as I’m particular over what I’ll feed Pops, she is equally as fussy over what she’ll eat! [I kid you not, if she ever eats anything that makes her ill, she’ll never touch it again with a barge pole! Just like her Mum!]

Autarky Dog Food Review

From the minute I opened the bag, what struck me was the meaty aroma of the food. [Now don’t worry, I didn’t have the urge to start tucking in, but Poppy was most certainly impressed by the smell!] It stands to reason, much like with human food, that if something smells good, you’re far more likely to enjoy it, so it instantly got the paws up!

The pieces of kibble are a decent size and have a good crunch factor – something which Pops always seems to enjoy! You can choose to feed the food dry or serve it with a splash of cold water or gravy if your dog prefers their food slightly more moist.

Autarky Dog Food

We were sent the Tantalising Turkey and Potato  which is designed to help with mobility and joint care. It comprises a blend of olive extract, green lipped mussels, marine algae and glucosamine. Many of the ingredients which are very good for supporting ageing joints. Something which I’ve been very conscious of since Pops ruptured her cruciate ligament eighteen months ago.

Autarky Dog Food Review

It contains carbohydrate in the form of potato and sweet potato for a slow release of energy. Along with zinc and vitamin B to promote a healthy skin and coat. Coupled with antioxidants and herbs to support the immune system and prebiotics to aid digestion, it really is a good all rounder and most certainly passed the taste test with her majesty!

Making feeding time fun

What I love about Autarky dog food is it lends itself to being fed in a variety of ways! Pops rarely eats from a bowl.  Only at breakfast when she has a whole concoction of oils and supplements on her food to preserve her for as long as humanly possible. [Trust me forever wouldn’t be long enough].

Autarky Dog Food

I’ve recently invested in a few different treats dispensers and feeding devices to add a bit more enrichment into Poppy’s day. Providing mental stimulation for our canine companions is so important. Yet, it is something that we, as humans, rarely consider.

Autarky Dog Food

Hiding Poppy’s food in a Snuffle Mat, or letting her eat her tea from a treat dispenser means that she eats much slower. This is better for digestion and helps relieves anxiety. Something which she suffers from more with age.

The other big bonus for me is that this particular flavour of Autarky food is fairly low in protein. As dogs age, it can be more difficult for them to digest a high protein diet. Therefore, I’m always mindful of the protein content in the food I feed Pops.

Where can you buy Autarky Dog Food?

You can buy Autarky dog food at Working Dog Food Direct. A 12kg bag of food costs £27.75 (including delivery – price at April 2021).

It is recommended that you introduce new foods gradually over a period of 5-7 days to avoid any tummy upsets.

Autarky Dog Food Review

A huge thank you to Autarky for letting Pops be a tester for your food.

Woofs and Wags

Kate and Pops


6 thoughts on “Autarky Dog Food Review

  1. Avatar for Amy
    Amy says:

    I really felt good reading this. I have a French bulldog and they are riddled with allergies. I’ve tried her on so many various foods, which turned out to contain lots of nasties! I think Mitsy is allergic to high levels of protein and she is allergic to soy and chicken/fats (which are found in many foods). Since changing her to Autarky, I have to say she is a different dog! They seem to have the balance just right here for health and nutrition and for the first time in nearly two years I sleep at night knowing she is getting everything she needs to be a happy and healthy dog. Thank you xx

  2. Avatar for Jo
    Jo says:

    Be warned – I have previously fed Autarky grain free White Fish for some time to our 10 working gundogs with no problem. Suddenly with a new batch their condition has gone down rapidly, and they are having enormous poos. On complaining to the manufacturer, they tell me they have changed the recipe and the factory has changed hands – they have gone to different suppliers, and added certain ingredients. No warning except for a small new logo on the bag. My dogs are in a state – waking up at night wanting to go out, and poo-ing for England! Autarky customer service have refused to pick up and refund my 10 surplus bags that I definitely will never feed. They suggest that I drive 40 mins each way to my supplier to get compensation .
    They have failed in their duty of comprehensively informing customers of a sudden change.
    I am warning everyone of the problems, and to beware of extremely poor customer service.

    • Avatar for N
      N says:

      Blimey did they get back to you to resolve this? I’m so sorry for you and your dogs. I’m not feeling so inclined to try them now. What caused the large poos? A bulking ingredient? ????

    • Avatar for Sue
      Sue says:

      I am alarmed by what you have said but also relieved to know I’m not going mad! We have just got a new sack of Autarky chicken dinner. I noticed right away that the kibble was a different shape. Within 3 days of eating it regularly I noticed a strange day old mown grass smell coming from my Springer, I think it was his breath. He isn’t normally a smelly dog at all so we were quite alarmed to suddenly have a smelly dog. It seemed too much of a coincidence to have a food that looks different and a sudden change in our dog so we tried him on a different kibble and within 3 days the smell had gone. I now have an almost full sack of Autarky that I am reluctant to feed him as it is obviously affecting his digestion. I’m debating whether to return it to Costco with a complaint. Autarky might have to listen if a massive buyer like Costco tells them their food is not what it used to be.

  3. Avatar for Ann Poole
    Ann Poole says:

    I changed from Dr Johns to Autarky for my two Bulldogs as they were getting terribly itchy skin and getting bold patches. I changed to Autarky grain free and although they do still scratch a little, not half as much as they did and they do not lose fur. Their poo’s are firm and not lots of them! which is a bonus

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